Friday, November 30, 2007

Blood-thirsty SOBs

So, the student loan people finally caught up to me.

It's not like I was trying to evade them - quite the contrary - In fact, I spent the better part of a summer weekend hunting down my Canada Student Loan with no luck whatsoever. I even went as far as submitting for my credit report through the two Canadian credit bureaus, and still nothing...not a mention of a $10,000 loan anywhere in collection or otherwise.

Now this morning, with only four more shopping weeks until Christmas, I see a Loans section on my Scotiabank online account. $10,200 and some cents. Due today. All of it. Are these people on crack? The balance in my account right now is $1.93. You think they'd be able to see that. My work cheques are direct deposited to my account, so they should also see that, along with the number of months it would take to accumulate $10,000 without paying any other bills, thus how ridiculous it is to demand payment in full today.

It's all pretty crazmo, if you ask me. Not that my bank wants the money back, which they originally loaned me; that, I get. But when I was trying to get my finances and credit in order and tried to seek out this information, set a payment schedule, etc... I didn't even exist to them. Now, some months later, not only do they know what I owe to the penny, but they want every last penny immediately.

I'm going to start keeping my money in a cookie jar.

A big Swiss cookie jar.


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