Card 14, dare #1 of the game had the following challenge for me: "Pretend to have a long phone conversation with someone in a foreign language."
I was all set to make a big production of it - this was going to be a fun bit of five minutes on a slow Wednesday afternoon. The folks I work with, it would seem, just aren't big enough geeks to appreciate just how big a geek I really am.
At around 3:00 this afternoon, with everyone on staff present, I made a phone call to a six digit number and proceeded to speak Greedo's lines from the infamous Han & Greedo scene, which took place in the Mos Eisly Cantina in Star Wars IV - A New Hope. I finished my call abruptly (as the scene ends) with a grin of geekish pride, hung up the phone and quitely muttered, "boring conversation anyway". I really felt I had outdone myself.
They all thought I was ordering Chinese for supper.
So I ask... Is it that I'm too much of a geek or that those I work with aren't geeky enough?
Furthermore, should I train them in the ways of The Force?
LOL! I made a prediction that your foreign language would be derived from Star Wars! You probably haven't worked there quite long enough for your associates to know you well. It's pretty impressive that they believe you speak fluent Chinese, though! Congratulations on being the first one to complete their dare. Your prize shall be forwarded immediately!
Y'know, I don't even think anybody'd notice if I was doing that at work. I think the barely realize I'm there anyway (unless they want something from me).
LOL! I can actually picture you doing it too.
Do you think the people at work are ready for the training though?
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