Friday, December 7, 2007

A long time ago on a web-domain far, far away....

I used to blog about Star Wars. A lot. Never mind blog about it, I used to eat, sleep, and breath Star Wars. I had a quote for every occasion, and was chastised daily for attempting the Jedi Mind Trick on my wife.

I'm not so much like that now, and I've come to realize, it's not a HUGE deal if some people like Star Trek better than Star Wars, the galaxy DOESN'T implode if I go a month without watching the original trilogy, and it doesn't ALWAYS have to be all about Star Wars....


....because let's face it, sometimes it's all about Nintendo.


Derek said...

8-bit all the way!
Thanks for the invite, btw.

Anonymous said...

The post is pretty interesting. eep up the good job. thanks for the sharing
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