Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Moment of Feeling Very Old

"Have you ever tried simply turning off the tv, sitting down with your children and hitting them?"

--Bender Bending Rodriguez unit 22 (Futurama)

My wife and I were talking the other night, about the different children's programming available and what sorts of shows we would or (mostly) would not allow into our home to be viewed again, and again, and again.

And again.

All hail the age of digital video discs. Or not. Only 25 years ago, when my mother would take us to rent a movie, we would have to rent a machine to play said movie, and then it would go back to the video store the following day and we'd be left with no movies and no VCR to play them on. It was usually upon this realization that my sister and I would suck it up and go play outside, or draw disturbing cartoons, or play with Lego... well you get the picture.

Then in 1986 that all changed for my family. The war between Beta and VHS had an end in sight, so we decided to buy one of those fandagle VCR machines. Thinking about it, I believe it was really a "Sharp", not a fandangle. Anyway it was a gargantuan, shiny silver affair with a tape carriage that popped out from the top of the unit. The monstrosity didn't even have a remote. Just 2 head, mono, analogue technology at its best. It was pretty great. But it marked the end of an age.

As prices dropped on VCRs and tapes, and then with the introduction of DVD, parents have to endure more and more crap kiddie shows on repeat. In 1983, there was no instant gratification anywhere. Now it's impossible to avoid. I feel old because of this shift, I think. That is all.

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