One thing I will say about it all is I've become much better acquanted with an old friend called television. I haven't watched it much in the past ten years and I must say things have changed. For example, what ever happened to the good old Iron Chef with it's poorly dubbed commentators and obscure, scary looking secret ingredients. I just walked away from the TV this evening after discovering the secret ingredient on the American Iron Chef was 'puff pastry'. I kid you not. I've got to say I'm a little disgusted with that. In my humble opinion, Iron Chef secret ingredients should either have 4 or more tentacles and contain syllables that can't be properly pronounced using English phonetics. Puff pastry doesn't cut it.
And one more thing... Who the Hell decided Drew Carey could ever begin to replace Bob Barker on the Price is Right?
Anyway, I'm done this TV rant about three thoughts ago. Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... A NEW BABY PICTURE!
Oh, man that baby is cute. I love how she has a skeptical eyebrow thing going, as if to say, why are you looking at me, you stranger in blog land?
I'm not a big cooking show fan, but Kelly watches them like it's her job. I've become fond of Paula Dean and her recipes that are so delicious-looking, but absolutely off -limits because they're so unhealthy. I swear she's going to beer-batter some bacon, fry it in peanut oil, cover it with mayonnaise and dip it in drawn butter one of these days.
Is it just me or does Stella have the same mouth as David Duchovney?
I suppose it's good you haven't been posting much cuz I haven't been remembering to visit anybody.
The baby looks sweet though :)
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